Saturday, March 26, 2011

Last night, Jason and I went to dinner with dear friends of ours.  During our dinner, the ladies conversation turned to the school that each of our children attend and the education that they are receiving. 
As we talked about the many things that we like or would like to improve about our different schools, a consistent theme began to reveal itself....
it all came back to a need and desire for education to be "RELATIONAL"....

If there were any "issues" while the children were at the school and the communication/partnership between the school and parent were good...then the outcome and feelings were POSITIVE.
Even if the "issue" was major, if a parent felt that the administration/teacher/staff member cared, the relationship between school and home was actually STRENGTHENED.

If during an issue, the relationship between the parent and school was POOR due to
...poor communication communication emotion
...not listening
...not validating
...the perception of favoritism,

 even if the issue was a MINOR one, the relationship between parent and school ended as a

As I sit here in my home on the weekend looking at the picture of my family, I am reflecting on my children and their journey through their education.  I am reflecting more and more on this as I gaze at my 14 year old, Kody, who is getting ready to graduate from Evergreen Christian School and enter high school.  The emotions that I am feeling overwhelm me some days.....I am so grateful to the education that he has received at Evergreen Christian School.  Discussing this with the women that I was sharing salsa with last night, they were amazed at the "relationship" that Kody has shared with his teachers, administrators, pastors and staff at the school.  He considers many of the above people as his friends and trusted mentors. As a mother, I have treasured watching my son grow into an amazing, confident man who is not living for "himself", but for the greater good of others.  Evergreen Christian School has done this for my boy.

I say this because I am so proud of my children's school. My children have had issues arise at Evergreen. But because of the leadership...from the advisory board to the principal, vice principal, teachers, staff, pastors and fellow parents, the outcomes have always been POSITIVE.  Any issue that ever has come up over the years have been handled with love and with RELATIONAL communication. 

As the ladies and I finished our fajitas and enchiladas, I smiled as they shared..."Your children are so blessed to be at a school that is doing it right."

I feel truly blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Renee, I couldn't agree more! From a teacher's perpective we NEED a "relational" base with our parents...they are the parents, we are the teachers and our commonality is their child! And as with any relationship, there are tough things to deal with and moments to celebrate and working through them all just solidifys that bond. What a tremendous opportunity we have as teachers and parents to model "relationships" for our children.
